Musings on Alex and Heroism

Alex isn't your typical SFF heroine. Miriam and Mia are better leaders. Caleb and Malcolm are better warriors. Eren is a better antihero.

She doesn't give rousing, inspirational speeches to the troops who adore her before leading them into battle on her mighty metaphorical steed. She's introverted, cranky, impatient, dismissive, often exasperated and at times disagreeable.

But she's magnificent. Saving everyone with a grumble and a curse and damn well doing it her own way.

Why am I waxing poetic about Alex this particular morning? Because hidden deep down in the comments on the giant spiral galaxy thread, Sue Dorton gave Alex one of the best compliments she's ever received, and I just wanted to share it with the rest of you: 🥰💞

"I have read thousands of books. Met many characters that have stayed with me, but never before developed such an in-depth relationship with one that I know what her reactions would be. Alex has truly taken on a life of her own that is far beyond fleshing out her character. Now, before your new readers think I’m crazy all I can say is you just have to meet Alex💕"


Originally posted on Facebook.