G. S. Jennsen

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Is This the Biggest Spiral Galaxy in the Universe?

We're probably not in a position to judge on the UNIVERSE scale, granted. But it's definitely BIG. 4x wider than the Milky Way, in fact.

One thing that caught my eye about this article is how it brings home the scale of the universe. In Amaranthe, the Asterions' Gennisi Galaxy (aka Messier 94) is 5 megaparsecs from the Milky Way, and that feels like a long way away. Using superluminal (but not wormhole) propulsion, it took the Asterions 200 years to reach it.

UGC 2885, though, is SEVENTY megaparsecs away, and it's referred to in the article as "close by." Which, when you're talking about the universe, it is. #boggle 😱

It also strikes me as a decent location for the Rasu homeworld...🤔

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