The Expanse Season 4 Musings

I finished watching The Expanse Season 4 Tuesday night. A few SPOILER-FREE random and whimsical thoughts:

Every scene is 10x better when Miller is in it. Thomas Jane is an underrated actor, and Miller might be his seminal role.

Amos, am I right? Who knew the asshole sociopath would worm his way into our hearts?

I often felt like I was in Mass Effect Andromeda, only purple instead of blue.

Politics...too long to go a few centimeters. I mean, I'm all about a mutli-book arc (seriously), but...sigh.

It turns out that sometimes, friendship IS more important than sex!

Delusional narcissism is the most base form of crazy. But it is an effective form.

Bobbie Draper is really, REALLY tall. (Legitimately so, as apparently Frankie Adams is also really, really tall.)

Alex: Quiet all season, until BOOM. CONVERSATION.

Chrisjen Avasarala is a masterpiece character. Even when handed a weak, meandering storyline, the character remains extraordinary. Uncomfortable and layered in many curse-laden shades of gray, but extraordinary.

Redemption arcs. Redemption arcs everywhere!

Amazon clearly cut the show's budget. Too many dark landscapes and cramped interiors, too little majesty of space. Alas.


Originally posted on Facebook.