Epic Rhapsody Sale, Blogging & ANR Updates

An advantage of having a completed series is that I can (1) wrap it all up in a couple of collections and (2) put those collections on sale to woo new readers and convince them to dive in, big time :).


Like the graphic says, from now through Monday readers can pick up the entire Aurora Rhapsody saga for under $12 (or foreign currency equivalent, because this is a worldwide sale). The ebooks are available and on sale at all major retailers - Amazon, iTunes, Nook, Kobo, Google Play - and many smaller ones. Tell your friends!

What else is going on?

  • I have a new blog post today: Cross-Country Journeys, Chicken Scratch & Bossy Characters. Give it a read to find out how a notebook buried in a stack of other notebooks led to a stroll down a nostalgia lane named Aurora Rhapsody, and the things that almost were.

  • The Exin Ex Machina (Asterion Noir Book 1) ebook will leave Kindle Unlimited and be available on all major retailers in very early September - so not long now. You'll hear from me again when it's up everywhere!

    • Have you read Exin Ex Machina? Sharing your thoughts in a review - even just a sentence or two - is a great way to boost the book's visibility, bring in new readers and increase its success. Much appreciated :). Amazon / Goodreads

  • The first draft of Asterion Noir Book 2 is done, and I'm well into draft #2 - which basically means it's still on track for a release late this year. Title and cover reveals are coming...soonish.

  • The Zazzle store has gotten a much-needed revamp: all the previous designs have been updated from "Aurora Rising" to "Aurora Rhapsody," and I've added a selection of Asterion Noir gear and t-shirts.

