Transcendence Release Date, Plus Restless Available for Download

MARCH 23, 2015. It's a date - a date with Transcendence, that is. Now, a few eagle-eyed readers have noticed that March 23 happens to be the one-year anniversary of Starshine's publication. Isn't that a fine coincidence?

  • In preparation for the upcoming release, the website has received a bit of an overhaul. Navigation has moved to the left and been vastly simplified - no more submenus! Each book has its own page, where you will find everything for that title - links to retailers for all formats, the blurb, reviews, links to quotes and excerpts, and share buttons. Transcendence's page is live, too.

    • Oh, and the site's red now :).

  • Restless, the short story included in the Stars & Empire 2 collection is now available as a stand-alone ebook for $0.99. If you haven't read it yet, it's a great peek at Alex and Caleb 8 years before their lives were upended in Starshine. If you read it in S&E2 and enjoyed it, don't be afraid to drop a sentence or two review on its new independent Amazon page - I won't mind.

  • Check out the back cover and blurb for Transcendence (you can view it in full resolution here):


  • In the countdown to release I'll again be sharing select quotes from Transcendence on social media every few days. They'll also be making their way into the rotation of the quotes on the homepage, and you'll also be able to find them here. The first one for your viewing pleasure:


I have two really fun books to recommend, from two of the hardest working - yet most generous with their time - writers in sci-fi/fantasy today.

Alien Hunters by Daniel Arenson: The Alien Hunters travel the galaxy in their starship, a mechanical dragon that spits out plasma like dragonfire. If an alien has invaded your station, asteroid mine, or lunar colony, the Alien Hunters will remove the pest for you, no questions asked. Raphael "Riff" Starfire, a guitarist-turned-gunslinger, & Nova, a warrior-princess with an electric whip & a bad attitude, are the galaxy's best pest controllers. Yet now they face a threat all their guns & grit might be unable to stop.

A dragon ship, guys. And Daniel Arenson knows about dragons, having written a ridiculous number of bestselling fantasy novels about them.


Relics: Modern Magics Book One by Maer Wilson: Most of Thulu & La Fi's clients are dead, which is perfect since their detective agency caters to the supernatural. But a simple job finding a lost locket leads to a big case as portals begin to open across Earth. When their family is threatened, Thulu & La Fi's search becomes personal. The people of Earth are not alone, but will soon wish they were. When the creatures of myth & magic return to Earth, they're nothing like your mother's fairy tales.

Part fantasy/paranormal, part sci-fi, part mystery detective novel, Relics defies genres in style. Magics, Book 3 of Modern Magics, is coming this spring, so get caught up on this unique series before it arrives.